Embrace Your Outdoor Space!
You heard it here first, it's summer here in Minnesota! That means it's the ultimate opportunity to make use of your outdoor spaces. Plant an herb garden, set up the patio furniture and fire table, hang the café lights, and you're set for a season of outdoor relaxation and fun!
In our home, we believe in being hospitable, not entertaining, so our goal is to create a warm, comforting space for guests, and to provide easy, tasty food and drinks. We want to avoid spending too much time cleaning, preparing and cooking (because we have two littles and don't have the time anyways!), but we love to spend time with friends and family, and doing so outside is just perfectHere are a few of our favorite summertime, outdoor-friendly recipes. Add a couple of bags of tortilla chips and you're all set for an afternoon, outdoor hang!
What are your favorite summer recipes? We'd love to hear! Email us at katya@ahomerevival.com